The Story

Thank you for stopping by my webpage! Let me introduce myself: Hi! My name is Misty. From the time I was able to hold a crayon, I have always loved doodling and drawing. Over the years my chosen art tools gradually evolved from crayons and coloring books to pencils and sketchpads, until a paint brush finally found its way into my hand at age 16. My love of painting began at that point and was further cultivated in college where I graduated from UTC with a degree in Art Education. Beyond painting, I also love printmaking, ceramics, and photography.
Since graduating, I met and married God's perfect match for me and we are the parents of 4 beautiful blessings. My number one calling in life is as a wife and mommy. I am honored to be able to be a stay-at-home mom and home school my kids. My oldest graduated in 2023, and is beginning college and my youngest is still in early elementary school. I also make cakes, do home renovations, and have built up my carpentry tools and make the occassional piece of furniture. Yes, life is busy and crazy and blessed! Yet, in the midst of this busy, blessed life, the Lord sparked within me the desire to use my God given talent for His glory in some way. Over the course of several months, many prayers, and His leading, that desire ended up becoming reality with the founding of The Creator's Canvas in October of 2012.
My goal at The Creator's Canvas is to meld together two of my passions as often as possible- my love for my Creator, and my love for creating art. I know it is the Master of Creativity that gave me the gifts that I have, and I seek continually to create art that glorifies Him and encourages others. Whether you wish to order an inspirational piece of art or book a painting party to create art with your friends, The Creator's Canvas is here to help you!
I would love the opportunity to create some art for you, or instruct you in painting your own. Painting parties with The Creator's Canvas seek to honor God while you and your group fellowship, encourage one another, and HAVE FUN painting in a friendly, alcohol-free environment. Visit the order page to find out more about purchasing some of my artwork . Look under the Painting Party page for more information about hosting or attending a painting party.
The Creator's Canvas offers beautiful custom painted artwork for order.
We also book private painting parties in the Chattanooga and North Georgia area where you and your friends can learn through step by step art instruction how to create masterpieces all your own.